Turkey Day

We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving today. If you are attending the Parade, stay warm! And if you are watching football, Go Lions! If you were living in 1891, perhaps you might have enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at the Hotel Normandie. Some of their menu offering may seem quite exotic, like venison steak, sweet breads, or broiled quail on toast. Other items may be completely foreign to modern diners. New York Counts are a type of oyster, Terrapin is turtle, Oyster Plant is a flowering root vegetable better known as Purple Salsify, Roman Punch is a citrusy palate cleanser like sherbet, and Charlotte Russe is a molded dessert of ladyfingers and custard. Bon Appetit!

The Hotel Normandie stood at the corner of E Congress and Bates Streets, on a site currently occupied by the First National Building. This should not be confused with the current Hotel Normandie on Woodward Avenue near the Highland Park border.

