Packard Anniversaries

2009.021.060When you picture the anniversaries of major automobile companies, what do you imagine? Do you think of big sales or elaborate displays or advertisements about the company’s history? Packard has had some interesting anniversary promotions. For example in 1949, which was the 50th anniversary, Packard had 2000 automobiles painted a custom gold color. There were also golden coins to celebrate the 50th anniversary. However those are for the big anniversary dates, for small yearly ones companies might just have advertisements releasing information about the new automobiles being released that year. For example there is a picture in the collection of a 1930’s Packard advertisement showing a birthday cake with the message “Packard cuts itself a piece of cake.” The advertisement was made to look like a birthday card and had information about the new Packard automobiles inside. - Sarah Marsack, Wayne State University Graduate Student
